Last Monday, I was invited by a coworker, Amy Ramirez to attend a taping of Dancing With The Stars. What a great day is was. First, we saw Mario Lopez and Howie Mandel from a taping of Entertainment Tonight even before we walked into the studio. Then we finally entered the studio, went to our seats and started to see so many stars.

We saw the hosts, Brooke Burke and Tom Bergeron. Then the stars started to enter; Apolo Ohno, Emmitt Smith, Giles Marini, Kelly Monaco, Kirstie Alley, Melissa Rycroft, Shawn Johnson and Sabrina Bryan
We also danced on the same dance floor as the stars. We brushed up against Apolo Ohno and Giles Marini as we left the dance floor. The performers for the evening were Taylor Swift, Little Big Town and Big and Rich (Country Night). The fun was truly never ending. We were on our way home and I received a text from family that we were on TV. How exciting it was for our families to see us on network television. What a day to put in the books. Thanks Amy and Rene for the incredible time we had!
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